Martín Rejtman La (2025)

1. Trailer: La Práctica - ZUBB

  • 16 uur geleden · Met La Práctica, de eerste speelfilm in bijna tien jaar van Argentijnse grootmeester Martín Rejtman, houdt hij ons en de wellnesscultuur een ...

  • Met La Práctica, de eerste speelfilm in bijna tien jaar van Argentijnse grootmeester Martín Rejtman, houdt hij ons en de wellnesscultuur een lachspiegel voor. In dit komische drama zit het yogaleraar Gustavo allesbehalve mee.

2. La Practica - mimik

  • Gustavo, een yogaleraar uit Buenos Aires die in Santiago woont, ligt met zijn Chileense vrouw in scheiding en moet noodgedwongen intrekken bij zijn broer en ...

  • Gustavo, een yogaleraar uit Buenos Aires die in Santiago woont, ligt met zijn Chileense vrouw in scheiding en moet noodgedwongen intrekken bij zijn broer en schoonzus.

3. La práctica - Viennale

4. Watch The Practice (2023) on MUBI

  • Martín Rejtman Argentina, Chile, 2023 ... Accommodating both the downbeat and the surreal, Martín Rejtman's first feature in nine years treats midlife depression ...

  • Dealing with a series of absurd situations and relationships, recently separated yoga instructors Gustavo and Vanesa are finding it difficult to live apart. Their challenges include meddling mothers, amnesiac students, and burgeoning romances. Step by step, they find their way back to the practice.

5. The Practice (La Practica) | Visit Films - Visit Films

  • A recently separated yoga instructor must deal with increasingly absurd situations and relationships in order to land back on his feet.

  • A worldwide film sales company specializing in director driven work that premieres at world's top tier film festivals.

6. Martín Rejtman – D'A - DA Film Festival

  • He is a filmmaker and writer. He studied Cinema at New York University and is one of the most prominent Argentine filmmakers today.

  • He is a filmmaker and writer. He studied Cinema at New York University and is one of the most prominent Argentine filmmakers today. His work is heterogeneous and moves freely between comedy and drama; reality and fiction, always far from solemn excesses. His films have participated in the main sections in San Sebastián or Locarno,...

7. 'La Práctica' Review: The Follies of an Ordered World - Slant Magazine

  • 30 sep 2023 · Rejtman's serio-comic fifth feature reminds us of how absurd and beautiful a mortal life can be. ... Writer-director Martín Rejtman's La Práctica ...

  • Martín Rejtman’s serio-comic fifth feature, 'La Práctica,' reminds us of how absurd and beautiful a mortal life can be.

8. An Interview with Martín Rejtman - Senses of Cinema

  • 19 jan 2024 · In his latest film, La Práctica, a hangdog yoga instructor, Gustavo (Esteban Bigliardi), trudges on after the breakdown of his marriage to ...

9. Harvard Film Archive Series: The Practice (La práctica) by Martín ...

  • $15 Special Event Tickets. The Practice (La Práctica) Directed by Martín Rejtman. With Catalina Saavedra, Esteban Bigliardi, Mirta Busnelli. US/Argentina/Chile/ ...

  • Introduction by Martín Rejtman and Producer Victoria Marotta. Director in Person. $15 Special Event Tickets.

10. San Sebastian Film Festival :: La práctica - Zinemaldia

  • La práctica / The Practice. Martín Rejtman. Argentina - Chile - Portugal ... Martín Rejtman (Argentina). Screenplay. Martín Rejtman. Production. Un Puma ...

  • La práctica

11. "La Práctica" Balances Humor And Humanity - New Haven Independent

  • 9 apr 2024 · ” La Práctica (The Practice) — the latest from Argentinian writer/director Martín Rejtman — is the story of a yoga instructor's interactions ...

  • On Monday night Yale Film Archive’s Cinemix series offered a selection that exemplified its description of itself as “stand alone screenings of standout…

Martín Rejtman La (2025)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.